Biomedical informatics

Researchers in our Bioinformatics Group are using the latest technology to help diagnose and prevent disease.

Australia’s ageing population continues to rise, placing strain on our existing healthcare system. Precision medicine describes a way of using the latest innovation to keep people healthier for longer. It offers the promise of better anticipating and preventing disease.

Our research focuses on tools that can quantify physical changes in our bodies to enable targeted treatment. We use advanced computational and statistical methods to help clinicians garner key insights about disease treatment and prevention. Our technology is used in a wide range of trials across the human lifespan and across the disease spectrum.

Research areas include:

  • Medical image analysis
  • Neuroimaging
  • Biostatistics
  • Neurodevelopment and plasticity
  • Platform technology includes:
  • Health research data: CSIRO AWS RedCap
  • Biostatistics and bioinformatics with Machine Learning and Articifical Intelligence
  • FORTE – Workflows in FHIR
  • Milx: Medical imaging processing platform
  • MilxCloud: Cloud based image analytics
  • MilxCloud Applications: CapAIBL
  • MilxCloud Applications: AssessCP